This is a document which explores the existing waste streams in Agonda, and offers possible steps and processes which will allow Agonda’s waste to be handled in a sanitary and environmentally friendly way.
Steps for Waste Management
Waste has been identified by the community as a major problem in Agonda in the 2009, 2010, and 2012 Pratt Institute, Sustainable Goa studio. Waste management is not a unique problem to Agonda, many municipalities of all sizes in India and around the world struggle with ways to effectively manage waste.
Intended Use
This document is intended to be used by the Panchayat of Agonda in conjunction with the working citizens group identified at the end of the 2012 community workshops along with any involved NGO’s. Steps to Waste Management for Agonda provides information on how Agonda could develop a Solid Waste Management Plan (SWM). These steps include: identifying what data is necessary for a SWM and how to collect it, existing conditions of population growth, density, road conditions and existing waste management practices. The major limitation of this plan is the lack of concrete data on waste in Agonda, and Goa. A waste survey must be conducted within the village of Agonda in order to accurately understand the amount and type of waste generated by residents and businesses.
Download the Report
Download the Waste Management Section (428KB)